Base to Base - Terms & Conditions

I understand, by signing below, that I acknowledge, accept and agree to all of the following statements in exchange for being permitted to participate in the Base to Base – Virtual Event (the Event) organised by Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited ACN 002 862 026 (the Event Organiser) These terms and conditions may be changed from time to time, without notification.



  1. I acknowledge that the Event is being conducted virtually and that I am responsible for choosing the nature and location of the activities I complete as part of the Event. I agree that I will plan lawful and safe activities in a safe location in accordance with my own physical skills and capability. I also acknowledge that I will not use this event for any inappropriate or offensive purposes.
  2. Prior to participating in the Event, I have had the opportunity to consult a medical practitioner. I agree it is my responsibility to determine whether I am sufficiently fit, healthy, skilled and physically trained to safely participate in the Event, and I undertake to withdraw from the Event and not participate if on the date of the Event I am not in good health and proper physical condition.
  3. I warrant that I have no physical, medical or mental conditions of which I am aware or should be aware that would affect my ability to safely participate in the Event, or which would result in my participation creating a risk of danger to myself or others, greater than the risk assumed by a healthy person of a similar age as me. I further warrant I have not been advised or cautioned by a medical practitioner not to participate in the Event.
  4. I warrant I have sufficient and necessary competence, training and experience to participate in the activities I choose to complete as part of the Event.
  5. I agree to act appropriately at all times during the Event, including obeying all laws, regulations, Event rules and the directions of Event officials. I understand that my entry may be voided if through my actions or behaviour, in the opinions of the Organisers, I have broken these rules, any law or regulation or brought the Event into disrepute. I further understand that the Organisers reserve the right to reject any entry without having to justify or give reasons for their actions.
  6. I understand the Organisers reserve the right to close, postpone, reschedule or cancel the Event at their discretion, including for the following reasons: if natural or man-made emergencies make administering the Event unreasonable due to natural disaster, acts of god, terrorism, health emergency or pandemic, war or any other reason (at the organisers’ discretion).
  7. I acknowledge that any donation made to the Event Organiser is non-refundable except in the event of unauthorised credit card use.
  8. I acknowledge and agree that I may choose to upload photographs, images or film to social media platforms, either alone or in group shots with others as part of my involvement in the Event (the “Recordings”) and I grant a non-exclusive license to the Event Organiser, Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited to use such Recordings (including all content on those Recordings) in any media and for any purpose without my consent or crediting me and without payment and/or compensation to me. The Recordings are the sole property of Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited to use for any purpose, including but not limited to its promoting, advertising and marketing activities, without payment and/or compensation to me. I also confirm that I am the creator and copyright owner of the images I upload or share, and I have the permission or consent of all persons in the images (including parental consent if required). The Event Organiser is not responsible for removing any of such images stored subsequently by third parties including search engines.
  9. I accept that the event organiser reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept or refuse any applications into the event and disqualify any entries if it considers such action to be appropriate.
  10. The Event and the terms herein are governed by the jurisdiction and laws of the state of New South Wales, Australia.



  1. I agree that I am committed to stopping the spread of Covid-19.
  2. I agree that it is my responsibility to understand and comply with:
    1. COVID-19 rules, orders including Public Health Orders, guidelines and advice issued by the NSW Government and NSW Health (or the orders and advice of the State or Territory that I am in at any one time) which are relevant to any activities I undertake or any location I attend as part of the Event including but not limited to social distancing, mask wearing and checking in (if applicable)or as is otherwise required ;


  1. Not contravening any direction to self-isolate, including if I am a household contact or if I am a close contact;
  2. any COVID-19 Safety Plan which applies to any site I attend during the Event;
  3. the directions and requirements of any site I attend during the Event.
  1. I agree that if I am feeling unwell I will not participate in the Event.
  2. I acknowledge and accept that participation in the Event may involve the risk of acquiring COVID-19. I confirm that I irrevocably indemnify release and hold harmless the Organisers from and against any and all liabilities, claims or actions (including for negligence) related to acquiring COVID-19, arising as a result or in connection with, directly or indirectly, my participation in the Event, including any claim by any person assisting or participating with me.



  1. I acknowledge and accept that participation in the Event may involve the risk of temporary or permanent physical injury or harm or even death, arising from various hazards depending on the nature and location of the activities I choose to complete, including but not limited to: personal injury, slippery and uneven surfaces, breakages or defects of or to equipment, failure or unsuitability of a participant’s equipment, dehydration, overexertion, weather conditions, environmental hazards (eg rips and sandbars), accidents with other participants or venue users, the presence of animals which can act in sudden and/or unpredictable ways (eg dogs, horses), dangerous animals (eg. Snakes, mosquitoes) providers of facilities utilised during the Event and the risk of acquiring COVID-19.
  2. I acknowledge and accept that injury or death may result not only from my actions (including physical exertion) but also from the actions, omissions or negligence of other people in connection with the Event.
  3. I understand and agree that participation in the Event, separately and cumulatively, may constitute a “dangerous recreational activity” under the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW).
  4. In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Event, I (on my own behalf and on behalf of my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns);
    1. to the maximum extent permitted by law, agree that Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited including its respective officers employees, agents, events sponsors, volunteers, community organisations and support groups, is not liable to me or any person whether in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise for any physical or mental injury, aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of a physical or mental injury, contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease, the coming into existence, aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition, circumstance, occurrence, activity, form of behaviour, course of conduct or state of affairs in relation to an individual or community, or that may result in the harm to the individual or community resulting from a failure of the Event Organiser, any illness, loss, damage, death, economic loss whatsoever suffered by me, whether consequential, direct or indirect, caused by or connected with my participation in the Event (collectively referred to as the “harm”), including harm suffered by me due to any person’s negligence; and
    2. irrevocably indemnify release and hold harmless the persons or entities mentioned in subparagraph (a) above  from and against any and all liabilities, claims or actions (including for negligence) whatever or however caused, arising as a result or in connection with, directly or indirectly, my participation in and travelling to and from the Event, including any claim by any person assisting me. I agree to assume all risk to both my property and myself during the event, and agree to wear all required safety equipment (eg. An Australian standard cycling helmet if riding a bicycle) at all times during the event.
  5. I understand the respective Organisers’ public liability insurance is limited and does not (and is not required by me to) cover or protect me from any injury or damage I cause or contribute to, whether to me or to others, or any loss or harm I sustain or caused by me whilst participating in the Event (and before and after the Event) and I am advised to obtain, and I remain responsible for obtaining, my own insurances and cover (including but not limited to full private health insurance and adequate income protection insurance).
  6. I understand that this participant waiver constitutes a “risk warning” under the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW).



  1. I understand that all intellectual property rights in relation to the Event and all content associated with it are owned and licensed by the Event Organiser. I may only use such material for the purpose of participating in the Event.



Your information is being collected by Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited (ABN 40 002 862 026) for the purpose of processing your participation in this Event. Supply of this information is voluntary, but you may be unable to participate in the Event without it.  We may use your personal information for the related purpose of sending you marketing materials which we think may interest you as a valued supporter. You can opt-out of receiving these communications at any time by contacting us. Your personal information may also be provided to third parties where required by law or so that such third parties may provide us with services, or where we participate in data cooperatives or swaps.


Our Privacy Policy (available on our website at contains information about accessing and seeking correction of your personal information, making a privacy-related complaint and our complaint-handling process. It also sets out our usual disclosure practices, including any overseas disclosure. For all privacy matters, please contact us by sending an email to or by telephone on 0249 52 0000.


Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service Limited ABN 40 002 862 026, 1 Bavin Road Broadmeadow NSW

 Ph: 0249 52 0000 Email: Web: